
A user can query the BlockX x/vesting module using the CLI, gRPC, or REST.


Find below a list of blockxd commands added with the x/vesting module. You can obtain the full list by using the blockxd -h command.


The genesis configuration commands allow users to configure the genesis vesting account state.


Allows users to set up clawback vesting accounts at genesis, funded with an allocation of tokens, subject to clawback. Must provide a lockup periods file (--lockup), a vesting periods file (--vesting), or both.

If both files are given, they must describe schedules for the same total amount. If one file is omitted, it will default to a schedule that immediately unlocks or vests the entire amount. The described amount of coins will be transferred from the --from address to the vesting account.

Unvested coins may be "clawed back" by the funder with the clawback command. Coins may not be transferred out of the account if they are locked or unvested.

blockxd add-genesis-account [address_or_key_name] [coin][,[coin]] [flags]


The query commands allow users to query vesting account state.


Allows users to query the locked, unvested and vested tokens for a given vesting account

blockxd query vesting balances [address] [flags]


The tx commands allow users to create and clawback vesting account state.


Allows users to create a new vesting account funded with an allocation of tokens, subject to clawback. Must provide a lockup periods file (--lockup), a vesting periods file (--vesting), or both.

If both files are given, they must describe schedules for the same total amount. If one file is omitted, it will default to a schedule that immediately unlocks or vests the entire amount. The described amount of coins will be transferred from the --from address to the vesting account.

Unvested coins may be "clawed back" by the funder with the clawback command. Coins may not be transferred out of the account if they are locked or unvested.

blockxd tx vesting create-clawback-vesting-account [to_address] [flags]


Allows users to create a transfer unvested amount out of a ClawbackVestingAccount. Must be requested by the original funder address (--from) and may provide a destination address (--dest), otherwise the coins return to the funder.

Delegated or undelegating staking tokens will be transferred in the delegated (undelegating) state. The recipient is vulnerable to slashing, and must act to unbond the tokens if desired.

blockxd tx vesting clawback [address] [flags]




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