The make localnet-start creates files for a 4-node testnet in ./build by calling the blockxd testnet command. This outputs a handful of files in the ./build directory:
You can disregard the Can't add peer's address to addrbook warning. As long as the blocks are being produced and the app hashes are the same for each node, there should not be any issues.
Whereas the logs for the REST & RPC server would look like:
I[2020-07-30|09:39:17.488] Starting application REST service (chain-id: "7305661614933169792")... module=rest-server
I[2020-07-30|09:39:17.488] Starting RPC HTTP server on module=rest-server
Follow Logs
You can also watch logs as they are produced via Docker with the --follow (-f) flag, for example:
Interact with the Localnet
Ethereum JSON-RPC & Websocket Ports
To interact with the testnet via WebSockets or RPC/API, you will send your request to the corresponding ports:
Eth Websocket
You can send a curl command such as:
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
The IP address will be the public IP of the docker container.
Keys & Accounts
To interact with blockxd and start querying state or creating txs, you use the blockxd directory of any given node as your home, for example:
Now that accounts exists, you may create new accounts and send those accounts funds!
Each node's seed is located at ./build/nodeN/blockxd/key_seed.json and can be restored to the CLI using the blockxd keys add --restore command
Special Binaries
If you have multiple binaries with different names, you can specify which one to run with the BINARY environment variable. The path of the binary is relative to the attached volume. For example:
# Run with custom binaryBINARY=blockxmakelocalnet-start