Wallet and Accounts

BlockX Network allows you to connect to 2 ecosystems. An EVM ecosystem and a Cosmos ecosystem. EVM ecosystem allows you to use Metamask, Trust Wallet and others that you use to connect to DAPPs such as DEX, Bridge, NFT Marketplace or basically DAPPs that used Solidity Smart Contract to interact with. On the other hand, Cosmos ecosystems lets you be a validator of the network, stake your native token BCX and earn from it, vote for or against a proposal or even submit a proposal for the improvement of the chain. With these 2 ecosystems, you also have 2 types of addresses. The EVM-based address starts with 0x and the Cosmos-based address starts with the word blockx. Keep this in mind if you want to transfer and receive tokens. In the next pages, there are guides in how to connect using Metamask and Keplr wallets.

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